We took a nice walk today, just meandering around some streets near our neighborhood. We found a Buddhist temple we'd never been to before named Myoshinji. The area is quite nice, and is near a bamboo forest.
Found another yummy treasure at 7-11! These are kettle cooked potato chips that are lemon butter flavored. They are so delicious! The butter flavor is prominent, but the lemon is very subtle - almost an after taste. The bag is really pretty too!
I've been finding a lot of new KitKats recently, and just tonight I found these ikinari dango flavored ones. Ikinari dango are dumplings that are filled with red bean paste and sweet potato. They are a treat from the Kumamoto region of Japan, which was recently hit by a very bad earthquake. The proceeds from this certain flavor of KitKat are going to help rebuild Kumamoto.
I love the cuteness that is all around Japan. On metal rails (usually ones that are blocking traffic from entering pedestrian walkways) you often see these adorable metal birds. Sometimes people crochet outfits for them! So awesome!