The cherry blossoms are in full bloom right now. Their prime only lasts 2 to 3 days before they start sprouting leaves and dropping petals. Sakura, as the trees are called here, are revered and treasured. Although sakura have been in Japan for millennia, they are actually originally native to the Himalayas. And oddly enough, due to importation, the cherry blossom capital of the world is Macon, Georgia in the USA!
During this time of year, Japan hits a sakura craze, much like the pumpkin craze in fall in America. Everything is sakura flavored, sakura scented, and everything has been colored/dyed/painted various shades of pink. Even McDonald's here has sakura flavored fries and milkshakes. Sakura ice cream is amazing, too!

Over the weekend we went out to admire the sakura. They are so pretty!
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