We got to do some hiking on Mt. Fuji. We drove up to 5th Station, which is a rest area half way up the mountain. It is cold up there! We hiked near the tree line, and the view was amazing! Mt. Fuji is an active volcano, and is actually due to erupt soon. For hundreds of thousands of years, Fuji has erupted about every 300 years. The last eruption was in 1707, so any time now! Fuji is also the highest point in all of Japan.
Since we are on the side of a volcano, the ground is made up of mostly pumice rock. The trees (what few there were since we were near the tree line) are interesting because the branches only grow to one side. All of the trees and plants look wind blown and shaped by the wind.
5th Station has a lot to do. There is a big lodge with shopping and places to eat, a shrine (Mt. Fuji is a very sacred place), and horses that you can ride! You have the option to have your picture taken sitting on a horse, or riding a horse around the 5th Station area, or riding a horse up trails to 6th Station (the next rest stop going up the mountain). Our plan for whenever we go to hike to the summit is to take the horses to 6th Station! I cannot wait!
Looking up at the summit from the tree line. |
Looking at Fuji across flowers and a lake. |
Looking at Fuji from across a lake. |
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