We went exploring yesterday and hiked up and down the coast and through the woods. It was a nice cloudy day, so it wasn't too hot and there was a great breeze. We climbed to the top of a light house and enjoyed the view, but my favorite part was exploring some old ruins in the woods. We happened upon a large area that looked like we were just dropped in an episode of Legends of the Hidden Temple. There was a plaque there that we used Google Translate on, and we learned that the stone structures before us were old Japanese military ruins that were over 200 years old! It said there was still ammunition stored underground at the site. There were underground tunnels that were sealed off with slabs of concrete. I found a crack in the concrete that was just big enough to stick my hand in. I shoved my camera in there (you couldn't see anything just by peaking into the hole - it was pitch black) and took some pics just to see what was in there. It was amazing!! Since the tunnels are pretty untouched by the elements, the red brick that lines their walls looks brand new. You can see way in the back that the tunnel splits and goes off 3 or 4 different directions. It was so cool!
200 year old Japanese military ruins. |
The views around the coast were amazing as well. Tons of people were out on the beaches, playing and enjoying the water. While we were walking along a path up a coastal hill, we found a cat! I am constantly finding cats wherever we go - Japan must have the biggest stray cat population, I swear! While we were in the woods, we also found a really old, tiny cemetery. I had never seen one this small. Seeing as how there were no large, modern monuments, and the erosion on the tomb stones was significant, I would love to know how old it is.
Inside of an underground tunnel. |
A different underground tunnel. |
Tiny, old cemetery. |
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