We went with some friends to a local beach one evening and brought a picnic and a couple of paddle boards. Only one person in the group had paddle boarded before, and she took us out and taught us how. Well, except me. I am terrified of water. I am terrified of the ocean. I love going to the beach, but I HATE getting in the water. I tried SO hard to paddle board, but I was bawling before I even got on the board. I got in water that was a little over 2ft deep (a first for me!!!! I'd never been in ocean water that deep, and I don't ever really want to be again!) and sat on the board. I was proud that I got that far! Then the waves started getting rough, with water splashing up and over my head and I freaked out really bad and ran, crying, back onto land. Not getting over that phobia any time soon!
After I was able to calm down, I decided sitting on the beach with a beer in one hand and my camera in the other was a MUCH better way to spend the evening! Jonathan and our other friends did great! They paddled out quite a ways and the sunset that evening was breath taking. Despite the paddle boarding experience being disastrous for me, everyone else did very well, and we all got to have a picnic dinner under a gorgeous sky!
Jonathan getting ready to paddle board for the first time! |
He's a pro! |
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