Seeing so many wild animals in Thailand really moved me, and I want to mention the ones I didn't get photos of or fully identify. For the ones I did get to ID, I'll link photos found via Google so you can see what they look like.
Great Hornbill - We got to watch a flock of these eating fruit in a tree. They are such huge, beautiful birds, with a wingspan of 5ft. They can weigh up to 8lbs, making them the heaviest hornbill in all of Asia.
Black Giant Squirrel - I was stunned when we saw these... I had no clue giant squirrels existed! These furry giants look just like normal squirrels, but grow 4ft long!! It's easy to spot them in the trees; their long tails usually hang down from branches.
Finlayson's Squirrel - My first time seeing a white squirrel! It was so cool. They can come in solid white, or white with black backs. Mind you, these are not albino - they have black eyes.
Cattle Egret - These egrets are common in the states as well as pretty much the rest of the world.
Asian Openbill - These large storks are everywhere and have a gap in their bills which helps them eat snails, their main food.
Red Junglefowl - I was hoping to see these! These birds were domesticated over 5000 years ago and became what we know today as chickens. The wild junglefowl of Asia are very common, but don't approach them thinking they'll be a friendly chicken - these are still wild animals that won't hesitate to bite or scratch! As their name suggests, they live deep in the jungle and are related to pheasants, peafowl, partridges, and quail.
Other animals that I wasn't able to get a positive ID on include several other small birds, leeches, several insects, eagles, scorpions, frogs, and large fruit bats. I'm incredibly thankful for the opportunity to encounter all of them!
The photos in this post are NOT mine, and were found online.