Tuesday, March 24, 2020

My Goodness!

We seem to have lost a year! Time really gets away from you when life gets hectic, you're unable to get pictures to your computer, you start a new job, and a pandemic sweeps the globe! We hope everyone is staying safe and secluded out there. We are taking every measure we can to not only ensure our health, but the fragile health of my mother-in-law that lives with us. I started a new job at a local craft supply store 6 months ago, but I will soon be laid off so I can stay home to further crack down on bringing the virus into our home. Luckily Jonathan has been able to work from home the past couple of weeks. Things will get better, they always do, but it's going to get a lot worse before it improves. Life goes on. In the meantime, keep your distance and wash your hands!
In our absence within the past year, our furbabies have developed illnesses. Our rat terrier, Toby, developed chronic pancreatitis and must stay on prescription food from the vet. Our boxer, Trauma, is going through a much more serious ordeal. His leg mysteriously swelled up over night a few months ago, and has never gone back down. We've ran every scan and test, administered every antibiotic and steroid. Nothing has changed. The vet is fearing it's cancer. Unfortunately we've done all we can afford to do, and the biopsy that must be done is nearly $1000. The vet said his leg may even need amputated in the future. We have started a fund raiser to help our little pooky butt. If you have a few dollars to spare, we would greatly appreciate it, but please do not feel obligated:

Trauma's Fundraiser

In more positive news, last May we adopted 2 brother rats named Joseph and Jerald! They are very sweet. We got them from the SPCA. Joseph is a rex, meaning his fur and whiskers are coarse and crinkled, and as he's aged he is starting to go bald, which can happen in rexes. The baldness is mainly on his sides, so you can see all of his fat rolls now, haha.

Now that I can access my pictures again (I've still been documenting our lives here, waiting for the day I could get these photos online!), you can expect regular updates. There will probably be a lot here soon since I have a year's worth to catch up on! Virginia is a lovely place, and I am especially fond of all the history, old buildings, and cemeteries. Stay tuned while we fill you in on the time we've missed with you!

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